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The manual of RTSS (as of 1995)

The doctoral thesis by the webmaster, which contains the manual of RTSS as of 1995.

The data of the doctoral thesis of Webmaster has recently been extracted out of his old PC. It has been processed by the pLaTeX environment installed on a Windows Vista 64-bit OS and converted to a PDF file.

Unfortunately, the environment is not the same as that in 1995, and the PDF file is not exactly the same as the "real" doctoral thesis which must be in the libraries. Also, the PDF file includes some trivial fixes (correction of indexing errors).

The paper is written entirely in Japanese.

The appendix of the paper is the RTSS manual as of 1995 when the Webmaster got his PhD. RTSS is maintained so that, if a user now writes data files and run the program according to the information given in this manual, the program basically runs without problems. The results may differ, because many bugs are corrected after the publication of this thesis.

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« October 2024 »