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Page first written 27 November 2002
Last updated 27 November 2002 "Human Cantilever" model of the Forth Rail BridgePhotograph taken on: 2 November 2002. There is a famous photograph, taken just before the construction of Forth Rail Bridge, intended to demonstrate the feasibility of the structure by letting three engineers sit on the chair of this shape to make them look just like the cantilever span of the bridge. In the museum located on the end of Forth Road Bridge, this chair (not the same chair as the one we can see in that famous photograph) can be found in the garden so that tourists can demonstrate it by themselves. An interesting thing is that among the three engineers in that famous photograph is a researcher from Japan, who sat in the centre. Click here when the copyright notice appears on the images. TAKAGI, Ryo webmaster@takagi-ryo.ac (c) R. Takagi 2002. All rights reserved. |