RT Zammai
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Search executed on: 27 July 2024.

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  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

Search result(s)

  • Nose-suspension drives   (Tobu's Series 5000 memo)
    The focus of interest towards Tobu's Series 5000 -- nose suspension drives, with technical explanation.
    (Page published 18 Jun 2003)
  • JR Freight schedule change
    [Resource 85] New services starting December 2002 (in Japanese), JR Freight news release 30/9/02
    (Page published 9 Oct 2002)
  • Japanese technology sector in danger of losing its superiority   (Zammai Coverstory No. 7)
    The technical lead that Japan is said to have is already threatened by other countries. It is irresponsible to talk of things based on optimistic views that Japan still retains its position.
    (Page published 11 Oct 1999, last updated 3 Oct 2002)

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