RT Zammai
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Search executed on: 27 July 2024.

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  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

Search result(s)

  • The web site of London Transport Museum
    [Resource 233] London's Transport Museum (Home Page)
    (Page published 21 May 2003)
  • "The museums of railways"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 10)
    Apparently one of the outstanding features of British rail culture is the extensive activity of preservation, that can be experienced when you take ride on any of the preserved railways or trains, or when you visit one of the railway museums. Absolutely superb!
    (Page published 21 May 2003)
  • The displays at London Transport Museum
    [Photo 208] Date this photo is taken: 26 August 2002
    (Page published 13 May 2003)
  • The facade of London Transport Museum
    [Photo 203] Date this photo is taken: 26 August 2002
    (Page published 11 May 2003)

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