RT Zammai
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[Photo] On New St Sta. platform
Page first written 21 November 2002
Last updated 22 November 2002

A shot in New Street Station -- train arriving at platform already occupied by another

A shot in New Street Station -- train arriving at platform already occupied by another

Photograph taken on: 30 September 2001. (Larger image)

A shot on the platform of Birmingham New Street Station. An electric train, seen in the centre of this photo, approached slowly from behind the diesel multiple unit train in the left, stopped and opened the doors to let passengers get in and out. Through this process nobody other than the driver of the electric train took care of the approach of the train. For a Japanese, this was certainly a scaring moment...

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TAKAGI, Ryo webmaster@takagi-ryo.ac
(c) R. Takagi 2002. All rights reserved.