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Search executed on: 27 July 2024.

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  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

Search result(s)

  • Birmingham's "Railway Revolutions"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 11)
    The "innovated" Cross Country InterCity trains, and West Coast Route Modernisation project in trouble. Network Rail, who takes over British railways from the bankrupt predecessor Railtrack, will have grim future...
    (Page published 12 Oct 2003)
  • "Until the next election"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 5)
    "Until the next election" -- the words that are frequently used by the ministers of this government led by Tony Blair and the Labour Party. Fair enough. But, are they really confident?
    (Page published 5 Oct 2002)
  • Network Rail takes over the British rail network from Railtrack
    [Resource 70] Rail users promised 'real improvements', BBC News Online 3/10/02
    (Page published 4 Oct 2002)
  • Railtrack House
    [Photo 62] Date this photo is taken: 9 February 2002
    (Page published 2 Oct 2002)
  • "The bankruptcy of Railtrack and a week's mass media reports"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 2 Addendum)
    Suddenly, the rail infrastructure company Railtrack went bankrupt. Here are the summaries of the reports the week after.
    (Page published 20 Oct 2001, last updated 26 Sep 2002)

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