RT Zammai
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  • My private tourists' guide to Birmingham
    This document was prepared for colleagues of JRGS (Japanese Researchers' and Graduate students' Society), yet another Japanese expatriates' society here in the UK. Well, I will publish this document in the hope that the City wins the "Capital of Culture" bid.
    (Page published 19 May 2003, last updated 5 Jun 2003)
  • Toyama-ko and Kibi Lines to be converted to light rail transit?
    [Resource 187] Tramways: JR West to convert rural lines to LRTs in Toyama and Okayama (in Japanese), Yahoo! News 27/2/03
    (Page published 5 Mar 2003, last updated 13 Mar 2003)
  • LRTA (Light Rail Transit Association)
    [Resource 52] LRTA (Light Rail Transit Association) Web page
    (Page published 29 Sep 2002)
  • "Shopping along High Street"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 4)
    The former "parasite single" goes on shopping in the area where a massive redevelopment is taking place.
    (Page published 29 Sep 2002, last updated 1 Oct 2002)
  • A map of Birmingham's city centre
    [Photo 44] Date this bitmap is composed: 20 January 2002
    (Page published 28 Sep 2002)
  • Book on "Midland Metro"
    [Resource 39] Boynton, J., "Main Line to Metro", Mid England Books (2001)
    (Page published 26 Sep 2002)
  • "Midland Metro"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 3)
    In reality, the only "tram" in Birmingham was suburban railway in all but name and safety features...
    (Page published 26 Sep 2002)
  • metroPlanet Web site
    [Resource 38] metroPlanet Web site
    (Page published 25 Sep 2002)
  • Priestfield Halt, Midland Metro
    [Photo 32] Date this photo is taken: 9 September 2001
    (Page published 25 Sep 2002, last updated 28 Sep 2002)
  • Midland Metro running over the Wishbone Bridge in Wolverhampton
    [Photo 31] Date this photo is taken: 9 September 2001
    (Page published 25 Sep 2002, last updated 28 Sep 2002)
  • Midland Metro Car No. 05
    [Photo 30] Date this photo is taken: 9 September 2001
    (Page published 24 Sep 2002)
  • "First Level Crossing Shopping Area"   (Zammai Coverstory No. 12)
    A Japanese High Street derived its name from the railway level crossing. I sincerely wish every success of the local people there, although the circumstance is far from easy.
    (Page published 12 Dec 1999, last updated 5 Oct 2002)

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