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  • Year to search: 1999.
  • Order by: Date published.
  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

Search result(s)

  • "First Level Crossing Shopping Area"   (Zammai Coverstory No. 12)
    A Japanese High Street derived its name from the railway level crossing. I sincerely wish every success of the local people there, although the circumstance is far from easy.
    (Page published 12 Dec 1999, last updated 5 Oct 2002)
  • Japanese technology sector in danger of losing its superiority   (Zammai Coverstory No. 7)
    The technical lead that Japan is said to have is already threatened by other countries. It is irresponsible to talk of things based on optimistic views that Japan still retains its position.
    (Page published 11 Oct 1999, last updated 3 Oct 2002)
  • Good-bye, Series 0. Then, where is the next era?   (Zammai Coverstory No. 6)
    Shinkansen fleet "Series 0" is withdrawn from Tokaido Shinkansen. However, Tokaido Shinkansen is still "the star". Is this not a problem at all?
    (Page published 20 Sep 1999, last updated 2 Oct 2002)
  • Momosuke Bridge (Momosuke-bashi) in Nagiso, Rakan-bashi in Hokoji Temple and Kiso-no-kakehashi   ("Visiting bridges")
    I drove my car to visit Hokoji Temple in Hamamatsu, Momosuke Bridge in Nagiso and Kiso-no-kakehashi. The document is mainly on Momosuke Bridge, which is the result of the research of Momosuke Fukuzawa, Japanese "King of Electricity".
    (Page published 15 Sep 1999, last updated 16 Mar 2003)
  • Egasaki Overbridge   ("Visitng bridges")
    An old railway truss, used to carry a road over Shin-Tsurumi Yard, which has been out of use for more than 10 years.
    (Page published 25 Apr 1999, last updated 10 Feb 2003)
  • Hamamatsucho Station Footbridge   ("Visiting bridges")
    Near the bridges lies a plaque of "Tanaka Prize", given by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers to the outstanding work of the year. The bridge, using paintless brown steel and the rigid frame structure, does look attractive.
    (Page published 7 Feb 1999, last updated 10 Feb 2003)

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