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  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

Search result(s)

  • My private tourists' guide to Birmingham
    This document was prepared for colleagues of JRGS (Japanese Researchers' and Graduate students' Society), yet another Japanese expatriates' society here in the UK. Well, I will publish this document in the hope that the City wins the "Capital of Culture" bid.
    (Page published 19 May 2003, last updated 5 Jun 2003)
  • "Holiday on the Canal Boat"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 9)
    The joy of a holiday on the canal boat at Llangollen, where Pontcysyllte Aqueduct is located. In Birmingham "the Canal City", redevelopment that changed the canalside to a beautiful sight.
    (Page published 27 Feb 2003, last updated 20 May 2003)
  • Is transport improvement an obstacle to urban regeneration?
    [Resource 89] Road and rail plans may hit renaissance of city, The Birmingham Post, October 14 2002, p. 4
    (Page published 17 Oct 2002)
  • Press release by Benoy on Birmingham Bull Ring
    [Resource 56] Birmingham Bull Ring, Benoy Press Release
    (Page published 1 Oct 2002)
  • Bull Ring's Home page
    [Resource 53] Bull Ring Birmingham Web page
    (Page published 29 Sep 2002)
  • "Shopping along High Street"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 4)
    The former "parasite single" goes on shopping in the area where a massive redevelopment is taking place.
    (Page published 29 Sep 2002, last updated 1 Oct 2002)
  • New Bull Ring Centre construction site
    [Photo 49] Date this photo is taken: 23 September 2001
    (Page published 29 Sep 2002)
  • A map of Birmingham's city centre
    [Photo 44] Date this bitmap is composed: 20 January 2002
    (Page published 28 Sep 2002)

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(c) R. Takagi 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.