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2000. 4. 23 / 23 April 2000

No. 18 ... Choshi Electric Railway's type 1000 emu

Choshi Ry. Inubo Sta. 銚子電鉄・犬吠駅に進入する、 元営団2000形の1000形電車。 銚子電鉄は古い電車の宝庫として有名ですが、 東京からはわずか100kmの近さ。 ゆっくり走る電車ですが、 線路があまりにも悪いので揺れながら走るのが目でみてはっきりわかります。 直吊架線のものすごい垂れ下がりぐあいなどもびっくりしました。 でも電鉄の社員の方は、 ぬれ煎餅やたいやきなどを売ったりして、 いろいろ増収のために励んでおられます。 (撮影: 2000. 4. 8. 大きな画像(JPEG): 74kB

Type 1000 emu owned by Choshi Electric Railway in the eastern end of Chiba prefecture. The railcar was previously owned by the TRTA subway in Tokyo and was called type 2000, which run on the Ginza Line. Although located only 100km away from Tokyo, Choshi Electric Railway is extremely rural, and is famous for its fleet of old railcars which is now of museum value. The passenger can easily see the railcar swinging back and forth when it is running. The sag of the catenary is also surprising. However, the workers with Choshi Railway are doing very good jobs; they even sell their original souvenirs. (Photo taken: April 8, 2000. Larger image (JPEG): 74kB.)

高木 亮 / TAKAGI, Ryo webmaster@takagi-ryo.ac
(c) R. Takagi 1998-2001. All rights reserved.