RT Zammai
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Search executed on: 27 July 2024.

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  • (22)
  • Year to search: 2001.
  • Order by: Date published.
  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

Search result(s)

  • High Street, Halesowen
    [Photo 47] Date this photo is taken: 25 November 2001
    (Page published 25 Dec 2001, last updated 29 Sep 2002)
  • Canal near Brindley Place, Birmingham, UK
    [Photo 76] Date this photo is taken: 21 July 2001
    (Page published 8 Dec 2001, last updated 5 Oct 2002)
  • "The bankruptcy of Railtrack and a week's mass media reports"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 2 Addendum)
    Suddenly, the rail infrastructure company Railtrack went bankrupt. Here are the summaries of the reports the week after.
    (Page published 20 Oct 2001, last updated 26 Sep 2002)
  • "After Hatfield"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 2)
    First impression of British railways after the major crash in October 2001.
    (Page published 20 Oct 2001, last updated 25 Sep 2002)
  • Union Jack at half mast
    [Photo 240] Date this photo is taken: 16 September 2001
    (Page published 21 Sep 2001, last updated 29 May 2003)
  • Birmingham Information Page
    This is a collection of Birmingham-related information "scattered about" in the RT Zammai site.
    (Page published 27 Aug 2001, last updated 22 May 2003)
  • "Intercontinental Removals"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 1 )
    My body could travel fast on the airplane; hard to bring were heavy lugguages and credit.
    (Page published 20 Aug 2001, last updated 25 Sep 2002)
  • Digital Camera Report from Birmingham
    The list of articles serialised in the magazine "Rolling Stock and Technology".
    (Page published 20 Aug 2001, last updated 12 Oct 2003)

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TAKAGI, Ryo webmaster@takagi-ryo.ac
(c) R. Takagi 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.