RT Zammai
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  • Year to search: 2001.
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  • Article type: Normal document, Resource DB, Photo DB.

"RT Zammai!" Past articles

  • High Street, Halesowen
    [Photo 47] Date this photo is taken: 25 November 2001
    (Page published 25 Dec 2001, last updated 29 Sep 2002)
  • Canal near Brindley Place, Birmingham, UK
    [Photo 76] Date this photo is taken: 21 July 2001
    (Page published 8 Dec 2001, last updated 5 Oct 2002)
  • Yes, "Japan will change" all right   (Zammai Coverstory No. 28)
    My thoughts on meeting a variety of Japanese expatriates in the UK.
    (Page published 26 Nov 2001, last updated 19 May 2003)
  • Ironbridge Gorge -- from "Rotunda" viewing point
    [Photo 227] Date this photo is taken: 30 September 2001
    (Page published 26 Nov 2001, last updated 19 May 2003)
  • "The bankruptcy of Railtrack and a week's mass media reports"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 2 Addendum)
    Suddenly, the rail infrastructure company Railtrack went bankrupt. Here are the summaries of the reports the week after.
    (Page published 20 Oct 2001, last updated 26 Sep 2002)
  • "After Hatfield"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 2)
    First impression of British railways after the major crash in October 2001.
    (Page published 20 Oct 2001, last updated 25 Sep 2002)
  • Union Jack at half mast
    [Photo 240] Date this photo is taken: 16 September 2001
    (Page published 21 Sep 2001, last updated 29 May 2003)
  • Birmingham Information Page
    This is a collection of Birmingham-related information "scattered about" in the RT Zammai site.
    (Page published 27 Aug 2001, last updated 22 May 2003)
  • "Intercontinental Removals"   (Digital Camera Report from Birmingham No. 1 )
    My body could travel fast on the airplane; hard to bring were heavy lugguages and credit.
    (Page published 20 Aug 2001, last updated 25 Sep 2002)
  • Digital Camera Report from Birmingham
    The list of articles serialised in the magazine "Rolling Stock and Technology".
    (Page published 20 Aug 2001, last updated 12 Oct 2003)
  • Books on earthquakes   (Old series "Sowing Seeds")
    Introduction of books on earthquakes, after I visited Yokoamicho Park in Tokyo where approx. 40,000 were killed in "the tornado of fire".
    (Page published 30 Apr 2001, last updated 9 Feb 2003)
  • JR Sobu Line Kanda River Bridge and Chuo Line train
    [Photo 162] Date this photo is taken: 13 February 1999
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 1 Feb 2003)
  • Matsuzumicho Viaduct, JR Sobu Line, in central Tokyo
    [Photo 161] Date this photo is taken: 13 February 1999
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 1 Feb 2003)
  • Sobu Line Sumida River Bridge -- with the "Suijo-bus"
    [Photo 154] Date this photo is taken: 13 January 2001
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 3 Dec 2002)
  • Sobu Line Sumida River Bridge -- with an "yellow train"
    [Photo 153] Date this photo is taken: 13 January 2001
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 3 Dec 2002)
  • Sobu Line Sumida River Bridge   ("Visiting bridges")
    The section of Sobu Line between Ochanomizu and Ryogoku, now owned and run by JR East, was started construction in 1931 and completed in 1932. Constructed as part of the revival from 1923 Kanto Earthquake which killed nearly 150 thousand people, the section includes many technical feats of the time. Many thoughts came to me when looking at such highlights like Sumida River Bridge or Ochanimizu Station.
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 10 Feb 2003)
  • JR Sobu Line Ryogoku Station
    [Photo 138] Date this photo is taken: 13 January 2001
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 24 Nov 2002)
  • Simplified track layout at Ochanomizu Station
    [Photo 122] Date this bitmap is composed: 22 April 2001
    (Page published 22 Apr 2001, last updated 24 Nov 2002)
  • Odawara Blue Way Bridge
    [Photo 241] Date this photo is taken: 3 March 2001
    (Page published 10 Apr 2001, last updated 29 May 2003)
  • Sobu Line Sumida River Bridge
    [Photo 121] Date this photo is taken: 13 January 2001
    (Page published 10 Feb 2001, last updated 5 Nov 2002)
  • Tower Bridge of London
    [Photo 150] Date this photo is taken: 19 April 1998
    (Page published 14 Jan 2001, last updated 1 Dec 2002)
  • Yokoshita Bridge
    [Photo 90] Date this photo is taken: 29 December 2000
    (Page published 1 Jan 2001, last updated 18 Oct 2002)

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TAKAGI, Ryo webmaster@takagi-ryo.ac
(c) R. Takagi 2002. All rights reserved.